Kids Yoga in Roma Street

Yogababy Kids yoga is a fun, interactive class involving movement & yoga postures, breathing & relaxation.  Kids learn how to be strong and calm, bringing their attention to the qualities of joy, safety and connection.  Suitable for kids aged 5 - 12 years.

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Suzanne Swan
Finding your way with birthing positions

During labour, listen to, be patient and trust, your body will let you know what to do.  I have found that while women draw heavily on the birthing skills we learn in the Active birth yoga classes, the one’s that cope well usually do more than what they have learned in class. They discover their own ways of adapting spontaneously to the increase of physical demand that active labour brings.

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Active Birth training in Adelaide

In August Suzanne travelled to Adelaide to teach an Active Birth skills workshop to Midwives, Physiotherapists and Yoga teachers.  During the day we looked at the benefits of movement during labour, use of resting positions to aid relaxation and up right positions for progressing labour.  The pregnant body is amazing in its capacity to know exactly what to do if we are able to manage our mind’s responses.   Exploring the key concepts of mindfulness and pain management was an enjoyable part of the workshop.

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Birth Story: Meet baby Lucas

Labour started on the evening of Easter Sunday at 40 weeks + 5 days.  We had the last 'event' planned, although I (in my mind) had been making plans incase bub came in the last week of the school term (Easter hat parades, etc).  Family members were heading home as I was starting to get contractions - uncomfortable but manageable.  They were happening about every half an hour for about 30 seconds.  So we headed to bed early to rest before the big event.  I felt excited yet nervous.

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Birth Story: Meet baby Henry

After attending Yogababy pregnancy and active birth classes before the birth of my first son Frederick, I was certain I wanted to do the same with my second. Having had an induction for medical reasons with Frederick, I was a little more realistic going into my second birth about how even the best preparation can send you on a different path through labour to motherhood and meeting your baby.

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Using a birth ball?

A birth ball is simply an exercise ball that helps baby to rotate in labour. In pregnancy it is good to strengthen & balance and in labour it can help strengthen contractions.  It's good to sit with your knees slightly lower than your hips so your in an anterior position with the pelvis.  You an then make figure 8, circles, rocking and swaying movements to open the inlet of your pelvis so your baby can engage in the last weeks of your pregnancy.

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Reflections of a Midwife

I initially attended yogababy active birth classes during my first pregnancy.  Whilst my partner and I were the first of our family and friends to have a baby, I was a graduate midwife who felt like I knew a lot about birth and the early days of parenthood.  Then I attended yogababy classes.  I felt like I had not learnt anything about birth!  Suzanne guided us through a yoga practice that included explorations into pelvic awareness, the stages of labour, the fourth trimester, self care and massage. 

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Suzanne Swan
Birth Story: Meet baby Art

I couldn’t attend any other antenatal classes, so I relied on the information I received in your classes, from my midwife and from the book Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering. I researched enough to have an "ideal birth intention" written down in bullet points on a page (not a "plan" as nothing ever goes to plan!).

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Fertility News

Suzanne was interviewed recently by ABC News, following a study in The Lancet Medical Journal about obesity and nutrition in women during pregnancy, and why changes need to be made during pre-conception.

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Active Birth Skills training in Brisbane

Just completed teaching the three days yogababy Active Birth training with a wonderful group of yoga teachers and midwives. So much learning, exploration and discovery. Next training is PostNatal Yoga Teacher Training in May 18th -20th

Im also looking forward to going to Melbourne in May to the CAPEAs conference (Plant a seed, grow a village) to present a workshop to Midwives and Childbirth educators on Active Birth Skills. Also to be inspired by Virginia Bobro, Hannah Dahlen, Rhea Dempsey and Chris May and more! 

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BIRTH STORY: Meet baby Lucija

just wanted to let you know I had my baby girl on the 12th of April!

I've been coming to pregnancy yoga with Lauren on Tuesdays since I was 12 weeks and I almost completed two rounds of active birth with Lauren. My partner and I came for a private session with Suzanne as well.

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BIRTH STORY: Meet baby Wyatt


Introducing our son Wyatt who joined the world on 24/01/2018 (4 days before his due date) at 4.27pm weighing in at 7lbs 2oz.

It was a marathon effort to bring him into the world! Our naughty wee monkey had been happily hanging out head down....

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BIRTH STORY: Meet baby Freddie

Our gorgeous little Freddie (Wilfred James) arrived in the morning on Sunday 17th September, 10 days post EDD! I was fortunate enough to go into spontaneous labour (yay!) and the birth was a positive experience but as with most births, didn't go exactly to plan!

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Suzanne Swan