Birthing on Christmas Day

After 60 hours of labour, Ezrael has finally arrived! We went into labour on the 22nd but didn't get to meet him until Christmas day. During the (long!) early phase, my husband and I used a lot of the things we learned in Private Session with Suzanne Swan, and also all the pregnancy & active birth classes I had been to. Lots of breathing, vocalising, different positions and movements; it was surprising how things worked at some points and then we needed to change, so it was great to have so many ideas in our toolbox.


Once my waters broke with meconium, things didn't go quite according to plan with Ezrael posterior and a premature urge to push. But we were able to labour for another 10 hours and make informed choices about the interventions that were being suggested. Although Ezrael was born via c section, in the end, it was really lovely to learn from our midwife that my body has now experienced labour, and my next birth will likely be much easier (like any second birth). It was also great to really try everything before we got to the c section. We couldn't have got through it without the fitness and information I got through classes, so thank you to everyone for your wisdom, knowledge, and support

Hannah attended the Pregnancy Yoga, Active Birth and a Private Session.