A private midwife birth

It was a quick birth. After a night of hourly contractions which I was determined to sleep and rest through, we thought we'd better call the midwife at about 7:30am as the contractions had begun to regulate closer together. Our private midwife came over at 8:45am and we decided to go by ambulance as things had really ramped up.

As things were moving along, my partner and I used postures and acupressure points we learned at the Active Birthing workshop. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to really appreciate our birth plan because it all happened so fast, but I am so thankful that we used what we learned. My partner swayed my hips and it was the most grounding thing anyone could have done for me and it really alleviated the pain.

Charni Naidu yogababy

We arrived at the hospital at maybe 9:50am, I was wheeled through the corridors on a bed up to the maternity suite. Our private midwife had organised for the bath to be run in advance and I immersed myself immediately. Within just a few minutes, my son was born!!

I am truly so happy we planned for the birth because even just being able to do the small things we did in what little time we had the few details that will truly stick- of course apart from laying our eyes on our little man for the first time.

Zachariah born 27th November 2019

Charni attended the Pregnancy Yoga course and the Active birth Workshop with Suzanne Swan.