I was 8cm dilated!

I just wanted to let you know about the safe arrival of our beautiful baby boy on August 30th. 

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My water actually broke at about 1am on the morning of August 30th. Within about an hour I was having very regular (although quite mild) contractions. We went to the hospital to be assessed and I was given 2 options - go home and progress labour naturally, or stay at the hospital and probably get induced. I knew I did not want to be induced but I felt quite nervous as my contractions were so regular. We made the choice to go home because if I was going to remain in my present condition for the next 8 hours (possibly) then I most definitely wanted to be at home. I felt a bit scared about going all the way home but the knowledge from your classes really helped us feel more confident in our decision as we knew we wanted to be at home for as long as possible.

We went home and got back into bed, and no sooner was I at home the contractions picked up intensity extremely quickly. We laboured at home for about 4 hours using the breathing techniques we learned in your class. My partner counted each of my breaths for me and this was extremely effective in managing the quickly escalating pain. When it got to be too much and I started to feel like I was losing control I knew we had to leave for the hospital again and it had to be RIGHT THEN. 

When we got back, I was checked and I was 8cm dilated! I couldn’t believe it - the midwives were also very surprised. They whisked me off to the delivery room and 2 hours later Henry was born.  It was like I skipped early labour altogether, or perhaps I was in it and didn’t even realise?

Overall, I am so happy with my birthing experience. I got a lot of what I hoped for, spontaneous labour, no epidural, vaginal delivery - but of course birth never goes how you expect it and there was some intervention involved which I am totally ok with. What I can say is that 7.5 hours of my life and the few days after were the most intense, crazy, and amazing moments of my whole life.

Thank you for giving me the confidence to navigate that journey. I was terrified and clueless about birth before doing the Active Birth Classes. I went into the experience however feeling empowered and knowledgeable and I believe that is what allowed me to labour for so long at home. 

Henry Lomax Glenn - born 8:44am on August 30th. 3.8 kg, 55cm long and we are so in love. I look forward to the Mum and Bub yoga once he is old enough!

Sarah attended our Active Birth Yoga classes and Active Birth Workshop with her partner.