Posts in Parenting
Edith's birth

Edith Dawn was born Thursday 26 June, 7:19pm, weighing 9lb 6oz, 58cm and a completely natural vaginal birth. This was amazing for many reasons- my size (I'm a thin women), condition (i had hyperemesis gravidarum my whole pregnancy), my low tolerance of pain, and issues with obstetricians prior to delivery.

Born at 40wks +11days we were on a race against the clock. I had a horrid time with obstetricians prior to Edith's birth, with doctors adamant to book in an induction from 39weeks with no medical reason besides scheduling. I was bullied, called a 'problem', informed many times i was killing my baby, and told because i had a birth plan i was setting myself up for a terrible birth. I was not opposed to induction, but did not want her scheduled before day 10 unless there was a medical concern- she will come when she is ready i thought. In tears and extremely upset from both my 39 and 40 wk appointments, Cheryl Sheriff, my doula from Ideal Births, picked up the pieces at a moments notice. I also drew strength from the wonderful support and encouragement of Suzanne Swan and fellow active birthing yoga ladies at Yogababy.

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